Modern Music Electronics A Sound Of Thunder MKII
The Sound of Thunder is the authority expander for the Tyme
Sefari Mark II. It includes a bank of switch and entryway controls to empower
extra working modes, and in addition extra I/O for stereo task.
Four new modes are accessible on this expander, spoke to by
eight flip switches and entryway inputs. To empower each, flip the related
switches up, or embed a 5V door motion into the information. The new expansion
of the entryway jacks permit full remote control of the Tyme Sefari's account
mode, permitting special musical impacts and controllable debasement of the
tested sound flag.
Sound Format Control: Thunder
The initial two switches control the arrangement of sound
that the Tyme Sefari records to its interior memory. Four decisions are
accessible, spoken to by a mix of the two switch settings and clarified by a
graphical key on the front board. The four decisions are 16-bit straight,
12-bit direct, 12-bit logarithmic, and 8 bit straight. The 16-bit mode is the
default under which an unexpanded Tyme Sefari works. The 12-bit straight is of
somewhat bring down quality. The following two modes twofold the accessible
account time because of their diminished utilization of memory. The 12-bit
logarithmic mode packs the flag into a solitary byte, utilizing a plan
initially intended for 1970s-period computerized communication. The 8-bit mode
is the fuzziest of the pack and the most clear, emulating the conduct of the
great "stamp I" Tyme Sefari.
While the unpretentious contrasts between each chronicle
configuration may appear to be uninteresting, they are made musically valuable
by making the Tyme Sefari unit oblivious of the organization of the information
put away in its memory. It will decipher sound as indicated by the arrangement
switch settings, prompting intriguing and regularly extraordinary twists when
the playback organize does not coordinate the first chronicle. Since the
vehicle speed additionally changes with a portion of the configuration
settings, one may accomplish speed multiplying or splitting too.
Pitch Shift Mode:
This switch empowers a rough pitch move impact. It guides
the playback make a beeline for keep running at an unexpected speed in
comparison to the record head, controllable by the extensive recurrence handle
and CV input. This will every so often cause glitch impacts as new information
being recorded overwhelms the playback of old sound. By turning up the input,
one may accomplish peculiar, recurrence staircase "crystallizer"
impacts, causing the pitch of the postponed sound flag to interminably go one
way. The pitch move control changes the playback speed of the sound to one octave
above or beneath that of the first chronicle, with the mutilations show in the
inspecting rate bungle adding to the one of a kind character of this impact.
Stereo Mode:
Flipping this switch will empower the sound info, yield, and
attenuator at the base of the Sound of Thunder board. Tyme Sefari will now
record and play back in stereo. Since this mode devours twice as much memory
and runs the vehicle twice as quick, it can likewise be utilized to
incidentally accelerate the sound of a mono chronicle. In stereo mode, the
criticism circle of the Tyme Sefari goes about as a summed mono flag.
Circuit Bending:
This gathering of four switches will skew the inward
information and address transports of the Tyme Sefari in eccentric ways.
Subject to the examining rate, input sound qualities, and circle settings, the
module will crackle, bubble, escape into beyond the field of play memory areas,
and irreversibly foul the sound playback. Intermittently setting off these four
switches with outside entryways, with live chronicle and criticism is a certain
method to get to a universe of sounds beforehand accessible just to those
overcome enough to alter old computerized consoles with trial circuit twists.
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